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Wealth in Sharing

Stretch Marquee and Fabric Structures, SEAM School -in-a-Box and Stephen Collier

‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’ Winston Churchill

Surely one of the greatest things a human being can do is share their talent and abilities to better the lives of others. Well, that’s exactly the situation we found with SEAM (Sustain Education Art Melanesia) who provide a creative learning environment for making books and SEAM Design Manager Stephen Collier of Stephen Collier Architects, Australia. They set their sights on Papua New Guinea and it’s rural communities who need education facilities and support.

SEAM - School in a box
SEAM - School in a box.  Roof water collection system
The concept is School-in-a-Box – a small central box that houses essential resource materials (a small library, equipment, computers etc).